12 Technology Tips to Support Your Goals: (12টি প্রযুক্তি সেবা যা আপনার লক্ষ্য পূরণে সহায়তা করবে এক নজর দেখে নিন এগুলো কি )


12 Technology Tips to Support Your Goals

Technology-everything from our computer to our cell phone-seems to have raided every area of our ultramodern lives. But we frequently don't take full advantage of the features and benefits that can really make our lives easier. Use these technology tips to help you achieve your goals:

Set alarms:

Use the alarms on your computer or cell phones to keep you on task and concentrating for specific blocks of time you'd like to set away to work on your goals. Search for free online software programs that allow you to set alarms and timekeepers right on your computer. Or keep it simple go get the safe kitchen timekeeper and get back to work!

Track your hours:

Want to know how important time you are REALLY exercising on conditioning like dispatch, online shopping, and Farmville? Use an online service likeRescueTime.com to track time on different conditioning. You will be surprised at the end of the day how important time you spend on non-productive conditioning when you are not paying attention.

Away from keeping you honest about this wasted time you can flip between two or three real systems and be suitable to see where your focus has been on those systems. So indeed time well- spent can be tracked for the purpose of staying ON track.

Join a group:

Join a forum or dispatch list of people who are working on analogous pretensions as you are. Do a hunt atGroups.Google.com orGroups.Yahoo.com to find dispatch lists on literally every content you can imagine Whether you are starting a company, launching anon-profit, trying to lose weight, or writing a book, you will find a group that is right for you.

Keep in mind, you do not want these groups or forums to take your focus down from your diurnal tasks and pretensions, but the information and support of a group of like-inclined individualities can be inestimable. 

Track your progress:

Use Excel's charting option to produce an ongoing map or graph of your progress. Publish it out or use it as your screen- redeemer for redundant motivation. However, simply jotting down this measured progress in scrapbooks is fine, but why not use technology to expand your knowledge, If we maintain accurate measures as we move along toward our pretensions. 

Set reminders:

You can set memorial emails on your computer or calls on your cell phone. When the dispatch or call comes in, you know it's time to break away for a planning session, or perform the coming step on your list. Do not try to keep your schedule in your brain. Let technology do it for you and free up your brain for the real work. achieving your goals! 


Mind mapping software like Free Mind, Mind Genius, MindManager, Visual Mind, and VUE allow you to communicate and capture your ideas in a visual format. Mind mapping is a great way to figure out way towards a thing, determine precedence, and indeed write blog posts, books, and more. There are plenitude of brain-flexing capabilities programmed into this software, so have fun with it. Explore your studies right there on your computer screen. 

Find mentors:

Whether you need someone to take a look at your business plan or help you figure out the duty counteraccusations of hiring an hand, you can find great instructors in every field. Ask successful associates to suggest a many names or do a quick Google hunt to see available options. The thing to remember is someone has done it before-whatever it's-and is veritably frequently pleased to help someone just starting out with the same thing.


Working on new systems can be lonely, particularly when you are stretching yourself outside your comfort zones. Indeed if you are not looking for an responsibility mate right now, you can still network with others in the same assiduity, participating coffers and war stories. Or just vent-that is important, too! 

Get training:

One of the first places I look when I am trying to figure commodity out is YouTube. There are knockouts of thousands of vids created for everything from the proper form for drive-ups to how to install a WordPress blog. Before paying someone to help you learn commodity, see if you can find the information and figure out what you need to know-with a little help from a YouTube video. However, like with a tutor, look for a referral to someone who can help you with training in the area you need, If not.

Create an informal focus group:

One of the first places I look when I am trying to figure commodity out is YouTube. There are knockouts of thousands of vids created for everything from the proper form for drive-ups to how to install a WordPress blog. Before paying someone to help you learn commodity, see if you can find the information and figure out what you need to know-with a little help from a YouTube video. However, like with a tutor, look for a referral to someone who can help you with training in the area you need, If not. 

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